From pre-conception to birth


ertility has been one of my main areas of interest for many years - helping couples achieve a happy, healthy pregnancy resulting in a happy, healthy baby brings great joy to all concerned.

One in six couples will experience fertility problems at some point. For many, there will be no medical explanation other than that negative phrase 'unexplained infertility'.

I look at each couple individually and help them develop a unique programme to maximise their combined fertility. Often I use a hair mineral analysis to help reveal any hidden causes of infertility - for example, high levels of copper or lead can lead to failure to conceive or to recurrent miscarriage.

Homeopathic remedies are totally safe to use before and during pregnancy and may help resolve problems such as morning sickness.

I can supply excellent 'birth kits' of homeopathic remedies for use during labour and after the birth too.

‘We have a beautiful baby girl, didn't think it would be possible’ AW, Norfolk

‘My baby is a delight, we are overjoyed. Many thanks’ SW, Norfolk

‘I'm happy to report E's safe arrival - we're thrilled!’ UC, Suffolk